Jan Wentz
Long time FUMC member Jan Wentz recently made a generous contribution to the Pasadena Methodist Foundation, a non-profit foundation that provides financial support to the church and the community. “For some time I’ve wanted to support the Foundation,” Jan said. “My dear sister passed away recently and left me the ability to do so.”
In addition to her sister’s memory, Jan said she also wanted to honor close friends Sue and John Clairday for their long time dedication and hard work for both FUMC and the Foundation.
Jan’s generosity, as well as the gifts of many over the years, allow the Foundation to provide support of FUMC Pasadena’s ongoing programs and operations, numerous scholarships, the summer musical, Claremont School of Theology, Friends in Deed, and much more. If you would like to make a gift to the Foundation to support our church and our community, please contact Kevin Lussier or Sue Clairday, or email the Foundation at info@pasadenamethodistfoundation.org.