The Pasadena Methodist Foundation’s yearly meeting was held at the Altadena Country Club on April 12, 2024.

President Susan Rogers welcomed the members of the Foundation and gave a brief presentation of the grants and scholarships awarded this past year.

Guest speaker Betsy Franjola, Founder and President of BFF Studio, Inc., PREFACE, and Hocking Hills Garment Center, spoke about “May Your Courage Be Greater than Your Fear: Stories & Lessons from Entrepreneurial Journey.”


The Pasadena Methodist Foundation’s yearly meeting was held at the Altadena Country Club on April 14th.

President Susan Rogers welcomed the members of the Foundation and gave a brief presentation of this past years giving of grants and scholarships.

The Honorable Karla Kerlin spoke to the Foundation about the new approahes to assisting the unhoused and mentally ill population in the criminal justice system.


The Foundation held its annual meeting on April 22, 2022 at the Altadena Country Club, Altadena.

President Kevin Lussier welcomed everyone and gave an update of the Foundation’s service to church and community.

Kevin presented the newly nominated officiers to the Foundation members for a vote. All of the officiers were unanmiously approved. After 6 years of service Kevin Lussier handed the gavel to Susan Rogers as the new Foundation President. Kendall In will serve as 1st VP, Suzi Lohr 2nd VP, Kirsten Oh Secretary. John Clairday remains Treasurer of the Foundation.

Susan Rogers thanked and presented Kevin Lussier with a plaque for his 6 years of outstanding service as President of the Foundation.

Pasadena Methodist Foundation Annual Meeting

The Pasadena Methodist Foundation held it’s annual meeting telephonically this year due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. President of the board, Kevin Lussier, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and giving the invocation. Kevin presented the year in review and discussed the scholarships and grants given this past year. He thanked Dick Overton and Jeff Potter on the hard work being done at Camp Sky Mewdows to ensure the camp can reopen soon. Gerry Poulin was recognized for the work done on the grounds of The Planetary Society. Additionally, Scott Carpenter was thanked for his 6 years of service to the Foundation as the treasurer.

Pasadena Methodist Foundation Scholarships

A reminder to all new applicants and renewal recipients of academic scholarships from the Pasadena Methodist Foundation, you must apply for your scholarship request annually. This year the Foundation is able to accept both full and part time students. The applications will be available starting April 1, 2021 and the deadline for submission is June 1, 2021. We will not be able to accept any applications for fall 2021 school year after that date. Please find both new and renewal applications on the website. Please return the application you application to the church office or email it to by June 1, 2021.

We will no longer require proof of grades from the previous school year. Please note that proof of registration is due no later that October 15, 2021 in order to qualify for a scholarship.

Should you have any questions please contact Sue Clairday at or (626) 796-0157.

Estate Planning-Remembering the Pasadena Methodist Foundation

 A Pasadena First United Methodist Church family recently included the Foundation in their estate planning with a generous gift.  In the estate planning a gift would be donated to PMF at the time of the passing of both the husband and wife.

The Foundation is appreciative of any size gift to help support the mission of the church, the nurturing of its congregation and service to its community.

Pasadena Methodist Foundation Annual Dinner 2019

April 12, 2019 - The Pasadena Methodist Foundation held its annual dinner at the Altadena Country Club.

Kevin Lussier, President of the Board of Trustees led the meeting. He recognized and thanked Richard Overton for his continued efforts to improve Camp Sky Meadows, Gerry Poulin and Kris Youngstrom for volunteering to complete the exterior work needed at The Planetary Society, John Clairday and Scott Carpenter for their support and hard work.

The speakers for the evening were Leslie Giambone and Christian Douglass from Mental Health America of Los Angeles. They spoke about the program and the many needs of veterans returning from combat and the continuing role MHALA plays to assist vets to find housing, employment and to deal with various health and addiction issues. Molly Ann Woods, MHALA’s Chief Development and Communications Officer joined them in their presentation.

Next year’s annual dinner is set for April 17, 2020.

Pasadena Methodist Foundation Annual Dinner

April 13, 2018 - The Pasadena Methodist Foundation held its annual dinner at the Altadena Country Club. 

Kevin Lussier, President of the Board of Trustees led the meeting. He recognized Howard Underwood, long time trustee and church member for his years of dedicated service. Additionally, Rev. Greg Norton was thanked for the work he did on the Foundation Website.

The speaker for the evening was Mark Van Lue, Executive Director of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity. He spoke about the history of Habitat and the current projects in Pasadena.

The evening was well received.


2017-18: Making a Difference


Pasadena Methodist Foundation Year in Review
April 2017 to April 2018


Support to the Congregation

Annual budget contribution of $449,000 to support the ongoing work of

First United Methodist Church

FUMC Youth group - $5,000 mission trip

FUMC Drama committee - $5,000 for the Annual Summer Musical

New member coordinator position - $15,600 

Audiovisual ministry - $18,918 to upgrade the cameras in the Sanctuary to High Definition for live streaming the Sunday services

Travel support for a member’s mission trip and staff member’s conference attendance - $3000



$25,000 in scholarships for 26 university students and community college students

Claremont School of Theology received $20,000 to help support 2 students

Additionally, $11,850 granted to three individual seminarians


Camp Sky Meadows

Purchased a generator and a golf cart

Additional $29,850 approved for upcoming capital improvements


Friends in Deed

$10,000 for programs serving homeless and at-risk community members


Habitat for Humanity

$1,000 - to help with community projects

Pasadena Methodist Foundation Receives Generous Gift

Jan Wentz

Jan Wentz

Long time FUMC member Jan Wentz recently made a generous contribution to the Pasadena Methodist Foundation, a non-profit foundation that provides financial support to the church and the community.  “For some time I’ve wanted to support the Foundation,” Jan said.  “My dear sister passed away recently and left me the ability to do so.”

In addition to her sister’s memory, Jan said she also wanted to honor close friends Sue and John Clairday for their long time dedication and hard work for both FUMC and the Foundation.

Jan’s generosity, as well as the gifts of many over the years, allow the Foundation to provide support of FUMC Pasadena’s ongoing programs and operations, numerous scholarships, the summer musical, Claremont School of Theology, Friends in Deed, and much more. If you would like to make a gift to the Foundation to support our church and our community, please contact Kevin Lussier or Sue Clairday, or email the Foundation at