A reminder to all new applicants and renewal recipients of academic scholarships from the Pasadena Methodist Foundation, you must apply for your scholarship request annually. This year the Foundation is able to accept both full and part time students. The applications will be available starting April 1, 2021 and the deadline for submission is June 1, 2021. We will not be able to accept any applications for fall 2021 school year after that date. Please find both new and renewal applications on the website. Please return the application you application to the church office or email it to sclairday@pasadenamethodistfoundation.org by June 1, 2021.
We will no longer require proof of grades from the previous school year. Please note that proof of registration is due no later that October 15, 2021 in order to qualify for a scholarship.
Should you have any questions please contact Sue Clairday at sclairday@pasadenamethodistfoundation.org or (626) 796-0157.